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The Ideology of BEYOND SPACE GROUP is to improve the quality of environmental, urban and architectural culture by creating more useful and beautiful space (BEYOND SPACE) based on our tradition and modern technology.
Scope of Works
1. Design and Supervision of Architecture and Urban Development.
2. Design and Supervision of Landscape Architecture and environmental Arts.
3. Design and Supervision of Interior Design and Display.
4. Renovation and Remodeling of Buildings.
5. Other related works.
6F 125, Yangjaecheon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea, 06747
(주) 종합건축사사무소 이공 | 이공건축 |
서울특별시 서초구 양재천로 125, 6층 (한국빌딩)
F +82 (1) 577-7425
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